Cybersecurity Essentials: Lessons from a Small Business Analysis
Practice Track
Cyberattacks are a threat companies face in the modern era. A Cyberattack is defined as malicious activity compromising the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of computer systems, networks, or digital information. Several methods of cybersecurity have been developed to counter these attacks. A common misconception is that small businesses should not be as concerned about cybersecurity as large corporations because of their size. This concept could not be further from the truth. A small financial investment firm was the subject of a case study to illustrate this point. The case study involved evaluating the size of the business, why a cyber-criminal might target it, the methods of attack, the security measures that are sensible for a company of this type and size, and how similar companies could benefit from similar evaluations.
Keywords: Cybersecurity; Cyberattacks
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